Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Enfocus PitStop Pro 10 (Update 2) | Mac

Enfocus PitStop Pro 10 is the essential Adobe Acrobat plug-in to check
and fix PDF files in professional publishing environments. An
extensive array of editing tools makes it easy to do last-minute
corrections, both for individual objects and globally throughout the
complete PDF document. The tools in PitStop Pro are completely
production oriented and allow you to tackle those problems you
actually experience in your workflows. The industry-standard preflight
engine in PitStop Pro checks all aspects of your PDF files and
pinpoints exactly where the problems are. Embedded Certified PDF
technology digitally signs your PDF files to ensure their quality.

What's new in PitStop Pro 10 ?

* PitStop Pro 10: This is a major upgrade for existing versions of
PitStop Professional.

Major new features

- Redesign QuickRuns:

* Preset manager within the Enfocus processing panel
* Able to make QuickRun with Global Changes

- Running of Preflight Profiles in check-only mode

- Enhanced color handling

* Color management presets and preset manager
* Support of black point compensation

- Easier access to Action Lists with new UI

* Ability to group Actions
* Ability to import Action Lists
* New Action Lists available (Add page to document, Convert all RGB to
CMYK, Remap to clean up black, Remap spot to own alternate CMYK
values, Minimum File Size, ...)

- Re-engineered Design Layout

* shortcuts have been added to work faster with guides
* edit tools have been added to change Design Layout and Page Box Layout

- New global change has been added

* Minimize File Size

- Update in GWG 1v4 preflight profiles to improve the fixes.

* New profiles no longer perform fixes for image resolution.
* Some corrections were made regarding the output intent fixes set in
the PDF/X-1a fixes.

- Installation of Adobe CMM engine

- Redesign of color picker

* Better handling of color libraries
* Ability to import libraries

- New ink coverage checking

- Better handling of black

Sent from my iPad

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