تم إعلان عن اتفاقية عقدتها "دو"، بمقرها في مدينة دبي للإعلام، مع شركة هواوي العالمية المتخصصة في توفير حلول تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات، تتولي بموجبها "هواوي" إدارة شبكات "دو" المتكاملة لمدة 5 سنوات وفقا لجريدة الاتحاد.
وستنعكس الاتفاقية على كافة الخدمات التي تُقدمها "دو" لعُملائها والتجربة التي تمنحهم إياها عبر شبكتها المتكاملة للهاتف المتحرك والثابت، كما ستمنح الاتفاقية الشركة الاستفادة من خبرات وتقنيات هواوي بما يتيح الاستخدام الأمثل لقدرات شبكة "دو" المتطورة.
وبموجب الاتفاقية ستتولى هواوي عبر خبرتها العالمية إدارة شبكة "دو" المتكاملة للهاتف المتحرك والاتصال الثابت والبث الفضائي، وهو ما يُعزز سعي دو المتواصل لرفع كفاءة وفعالية شبكتها.
UAE telco Du has signed a five year network managed services agreement with Chinese telecoms vendor, Huawei.
Huawei will manage Du's network operations including mobile, fixed and broadcasting networks.
Du said that the aim of the initiative was to improve customer experience. "Customers will benefit from the combined strength of Du's converged fixed and mobile network, while at a corporate level Du will have access to a wide pool of experts and industry-leading tools, allowing it to further optimise its network potential," the telco said in a statement.
Fahad Al Hassawi, chief human resources and shared services officer, Du, said: "We have worked with Huawei on several key projects in the past, and today marks the evolution of our relationship as we take our partnership to a new high. Our primary focus in all of our actions is to provide the ultimate customer services experience. To achieve this, we seek ways in which we can develop our network and the services that we can offer to our customers, which is precisely what our new agreement with Huawei will achieve."
Xia Chaojie, Middle East vice president of delivery and service, Huawei, added: "This multi-year landmark agreement will allow Huawei to assist du with the complex task of managing a converged end-to-end network. It also gives us an opportunity to extend our managed services portfolio to include new and previously untapped solutions."
The agreement was signed during a ceremony held at the Du's head office in Dubai Media City by Fahad Al Hassawi; Hatem Bamatraf, executive vice president, network development operations, Du; Xia Chao Jie, Middle East VP of delivery and services, Huawei, and Liu Wenjun (Wilson), general manager UAE, Huawei.
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